Wednesday 15 December 2010

Kidulthood trailer analysis

Kidulthood has had a major impact on our change in genre decision. It is a film the deals with the issues that revolve around teenage crime. The trailer uses dark lighting mostly to indicate to the audience what the genre of the film. The major thing we have learnt from watching Kidulthood is the costume and the type of actors they have used. For example I feel the actor Adam Deacon is crucial in helping to sell the film.

We will be looking to include things based on from watching the trailer:

- The use of costume
- Dark lighting
- Fast paced editing
- Type of music
- Camera angles and composition
- Settings and location ideas

This is a trailer and we are producing a teaser trailer so we are going to try and use even faster editing and include more intertitles. We have also decided not to use dialogue unlike this trailer as we want the audience to focus on our diagetic and non-diagetic sound.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Improved shot list

Shot 1: This is an establishing shot of the a car entering the car park, the camera also pans around at the same time. We used this shot so that the audience could get an idea of the location, it also gives them an idea of what type of genre it will be.

Shot 2: The camera then fades and goes into another scene. We used an over the shoulder long shot to show our first glimpse of the actors. The long shot was used because we didn't want to go straight into introducing the characters.


Shot 3: Medium shot of all the actors together, this is first time that the audience see all 3 actors. The camera then zooms in to allow the audience to see what the actors are doing.

Shot 4: Over the shoulder close up shot of another actor in the car. This has been used to show the emotions of that character. While this is happening the fight is still going on in the background.

Shot 5: Long shot of the car chase beginning. The camera also pans round when the cars go past.

Shot 6: Long shot the cars coming towards the camera. I think this is a good shot because it feels like the cars are coming straight towards the camera.

Shot 7: Long shot of the coming past. This is a good shot because it show the audience how fast the car going. It builds tension within the trailer.


Shot 8: Medium shot of a car doing a wheel spin.This is the start of a montage so the shots are quite quick to keep the audience on the edge of their seats.

Shot 9: Medium shot of a cars wheels screeching, this makes the audience feel like someone is following him.

Shot 10: Close up of the radio playing, it is a song that is associated with teenagers.

Shot 11: Long shot of a car speeding in a certain location

Shot 12: Close up of a gear change, this is a good shot because it allows the audience to see what is happening within the car. It is also adds a bit of difference from all the shots being outside the car.

Shot 13: Medium shot of the car coming out of a hand brake turn. These shots are meant to be quick so that it keeps the tension high.


Audience Profiling

As you can see from the table below the highest precentage of people that go to the cinema in the UK are people in the age 15-24 age category. We therefore have decided to aim our teaser trailer at people in this age category so we have a larger target audience.

We will need to make sure our teaser trailer includes the appropriate style and narrative to attract this particular audience. We will need to make sure our storyline is contemporary and relevant in modern society which I feel are's is. We have chosen teenage actors so that it appeals to a fairly youthful audience. We are going to try and find suitable music to use that is contemporary, again to attract our target audience.


This is dago. He is playing one of the drug dealers in our teaser trailer. You dont see him much in the footage however he still needs to wear suitable clothing so he looks like a realistic drug dealer.


This is Louis. He is playing one of the drivers in our teaser trailer. He is in the film therefore needs to wear suitable clothing so that the mise-en-scene looks realistic and professional. We feel he is suitable to play the role of the driver that is being chased because he looks like he can be easily intimidated therefore creating realism for the audience.

Shot List

Long shot of when when the car pulls into the car park

Over the shoulder shot of buyer getting out of his car

Over the shoulder shot of the dealers walking towards the buyer

Meduim shot of the buyer handing the money over and the dealer giving him the drugs

Medium shot of one of the dealers throwing a punch towards the buyer

Over the shoulder shot of the buyer in the car racing away

Establishing shot of the dealer chasing the the buyer

Panning shot of the cars racing out of the car park

Long of the cars racing down the ramp

Side on still shot of the cars going past

Montage of hand brakes, wheel spins and characters emotions, these will be filmed using close ups to emphasise the scene.

What we have based our actors on - Adam Deacon

This is Adam Deacon who has featured in various teenage crime films such as Kidulthood, Adulthood and Anuvahood. All these films we researched to find out the characteristics of that genre. We have tried to emulate his clothing within our own trailer. We have done this by making our actors wear typical clothing such as joggers, hoodies and nike trainers for example. All these pieces of clothing will be quite dark because people within that situation want to stay undercover and not draw attention to themselves. He is the perfect actor to base our own actors upon, this is because he is well known within the industry.

Reasons for not having a Script

We have decided not do do a script for our teaser trailer as there will be no dialogue or voiceovers. Most teaser trailers do have some dialogue however we felt that it was not necessary in ours. We have put our focus into other aspects of sound like diagetic sound and non-diagetic sound.
We want to use a variety of natural diagetic sound like the sound of tyres screeching for example. We feel this will indicate genre and narrative to the audience just as effectively as dialogue would. We also feel that non-diagetic sound (background music) is also an effective way of revealing narrative and genre. We want our teaser trailer to be unique in this way therefore we felt there is no need to produce a script.


This is one of the other cars we will be using in our teaser trailer. This car suits the genre of our teaser trailer as it is sporty and looks quite dodgy. Audience Profiling

From these results you can see that their target audience are mostly young adults aged between 15-34 . 56% of the audience are males. This shows that this film mainly appeals to males. This film is of a similar genre to ours and we will be trying to aim at this particular type of audience between the age of 15 and 34. We are also aiming at males mostly.


This is Dan. He is playing the victim who gets beaten up. We have chosen him for this role because he looks weak and vulnerable. We feel that the audience can realate to him and we feel he has the right crudentials to get an emotional reaction from the audience


This is Jack. He will be playing one of the teenage gangsters who. We feel he suits this role as he is turkish and has a north london accent. We feel using him in this role will create authenticity and realism for the target audience.

Monday 13 December 2010


Here are some pictures of another car we are using in our teaser trailer. We chose this car because it is a failry standard teenagers car. It looks quite sporty and fits in with the teenage gangster genre.

Friday 10 December 2010

Plot Idea

Buyers pull into car park where dealer waits
Buyers give a signal by flashing his lights
The dealer gets out of his car and one the buyer follows
Walk towards each other
Buyer hands over the money
Dealer hands over the drugs
Buyer turns and walks back towards where his friend waits
Dealer pulls out a gun and shoots him
Friend in car turns on the engine and pulls away before the same happens to him
Dealers chase him down
Buyer gets away
Montage of hand brakes, wheel spins and other things

Monday 29 November 2010


Here are some of the pictures of one of the car's we will be using in our teaser trailer.

Saturday 27 November 2010 Teaser Trailer

Genre - Action is suggested by the showing of weapons. Urban drama is connotated through the use of actors such as Adam Deacon and the director Noel Clarke who has made previous films such as Kiduthood.

Narrative - Not that clear as it just tries to show off the actors towards the audience. It also show the audience who the dirctor of the film is, this gives them a good idea of what the film will be about.

USP - The narrative is unclear which makes the audience wanting ro find out more. This could be one of their viral marketing campaign.

Target Audience - young adults and teenagers. English and American, trying to target Americans through the use of American actors. The creators attract the target audience with the fast pace of the trailer, also using well known characters in the niche genre which will attract the viewers.

Music - ticking clock to represent countdown. Drums kick in matching the pace of the trailer.

Shot types / Camera Angles - Mid shots and close ups have been used in order to show emotion of the characters e.g anger fear or shock in the case of this trailer. Uses a lot of camera panning, and then the occasional use of hand-held camera, in order to create realism.

Pace - Fast paced and is continuous throughout
Special Effects - none as the film is more to do with realism.

Dialogue - it is used through parts of the film. phrases such as " you are about to die" indicates that the film is to do with action and violence. Humour is also used in sections of the film to make it a bit more light hearted. The phrase "is that blood?" "Dont get it on the seats" shows this.

Credits and intertitles - counts down from 30 - 1 seconds. "Noel Clarke presents" this connotates a similar film to the popular kidulthood/adulthood. Coming soon which is a standard titlein many teaser trailers.

Genre change

We have decided to carry on with the idea of the action genre however we are now mixing it with the teenage gangster genre to create a hybrid genre. We have decided to do this because we are looking to make our teaser trailer more postmodern and most importantly more appealing to an audience. We feel that teenage crime is a very contemporary issue, therefore making a film that deals with some of he issues related with it will be attractive to a younger audience as they can relate to it. We feel creating an hybrid genre will also create a larger target audience, therefore giving the film more potential to be successful.

Friday 26 November 2010

Actors in action films and their characteristics

Bruce Willis is worldwide known actor who has appeared in many action films, for example Die hard, The Expendables, Armageddon etc

He often plays the hero who has to save the day. In many of his films he is involved in shooting and fighting scenes. He has the perfect characteristics to play this type of role in a film.

In our teaser trailer the main actor will aim to emulet Bruce Willis in his steretypical role in a film. This will be very challenging and not up to the same standard, however the role played will be similar.


We are planning to have fast paced music in our teaser trailer. This is because it suits are action genre and will complement the action. It will be playing alongside fast paced editing cuts to add to the tension and suspense.
The website we will be using to find appropriate pieces of music for the teaser trailer will be This website has non-copyright material that we can use in our teaser trailer.

Location, Time and Weather

We are thinking of filming in quiet areas round where we live. We will be filming late at night because there will be no traffic as are teaser trailer will involve a car chase. We are going to be filming on quiet side roads to avoid congestion. We will try to film it on a night when there is no rain or snow because it could be dangerous doing a car chase scene in these conditions.

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Fast Five trailer

Title - Fast Five
Actors - Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Jordana Brewster, Tyrese Gibson and others
Release Date - 29th April 2011
Length - 2.01 minutes

This is a good trailer that we are going to get ideas from. This is because it has the genre as us and also uses the same ideas as we are hoping to. It has fast paced scenes which is what we are going to try and emulate. There are blackout pictures with inter titles which is also what we want to do. They have used montage scenes throughout which i think gives on a good effect. We will try and see if we can use some of their ideas and use them in our teaser trailer.

The trailer has not used much music but instead decided to use special sound effects such as gun shots, engines and other things. They have not used a voice over, they have used dialogue from the trailer and put that in when appropriate. I think this has a good effect because it give the trailer good continuity. The inter titles have been used at the beginning and at the end, the title of the film is shown at the end.

The target audience for this film will be mainly male as it is to do with cars, fighting and mainly action throughout. There is also a male gaze effect within the trailer which will attract males. This is the scene where a female in a bikini is walking by the beach, this will obviously attract males rather than females.

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Cowboys and Aliens Teaser Trailer

Title - Cowboys & Aliens
Director - Jon Favreau
Producers - Brian Grazer and Ron Howard
Executive Producer - Steven Spielberg
Actors - Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford

The Genre of the film is Science Fiction. We can tell it is a Sci Fi because there are Aliens. The narrative of the film is basically the Cowboys defending themselves against the Aliens. They have come under attack from the aliens and it had something to do with Daniel Craig as he has some sort of Alien invention attached to his arm. The unique selling point of the film is that it is a hybrid genre. It is connecting two completely different worlds, the Western and Aliens. The other selling point is that it has some very well known actor starring within the film such as Harrison Ford and Daniel Craig. The target audience is probably middle aged men and possible late teenagers. It will also target audiences that have enjoyed Indiana Jones films and also James Bond films.

Music that they have used in the trailer is quite tense, this builds up the suspense for when the Aliens attack. It makes the audience feel that something is approaching and about to happen. They have decided to include shot types that show the characters emotion. Close ups and medium shot have been used frequently. A perfect example is when the camera zooms onto a close of the girl when the Aliens attack. They have also used high angles and low angles to show who has authority within the scene. The pace of the Trailer starts off quite slow and has parts speed up. Its quite jumpy so for example it speeds up and then goes back to an original pace. When the Aliens attack it scene speed up because the action is becoming more tense.

Dialogue has been used in the trailer. They have used snippets from the film that works well within the trailer even it is not the same scene. The dialogue is mainly from the main actors such as Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford. They have used a lot of special effects because it is a Sci Fi, they need to do this so that it makes it authentic for the audience. CGI has also been used. Credits were shown through the trailer, they were shown once a scene had finished. The main title came up at the end of the trailer, this is so that it is the last thing that the audience remember, the title, the most important bit.

Friday 12 November 2010

Action Moodboard

I have created a moodboard for the action genre. This is because our teaser trailer will be of the action genre, therefore doing a moodboard gives ideas about the colours and types of shots we will try to include. All these pictures are related to the genre. They depict different styles throughout the action genre through the use of colours and the images included.

Monday 1 November 2010

Die Hard Teaser Trailer

Die Hard is a poplular and well known action film. The teaser trailer uses many different techniques to reveal the genre of the film and entice the target audience to go and watch it.

There are many fast cuts jumping from scene to scene. This immidiatley suggests to the audience that this will be a high paced, edge of your seat action film. This will be something we will need to produce to make our teaser stand out in terms of being an action genre. The main actor Bruce Willis is introduced at the start. He is well known for doing action films, therefore fans of him are then likely to go and watch this film. We will not be able to include a proffesional actor in ours but we can portray the main actor in ours so it indicates to the audience that it is an action film.

We will have to use some of these techniques when producing our teaser trailer, so it immidiatley shows the audince that it is an action film.

Friday 22 October 2010

Initial ideas for the plot

-A black car is parked up in a side road
-The man driving the black car see's a car approaching through his mirror
-He waits for the other car to drive past then starts to follow him
-The car in front realises he's being followed then starts to accelerate
-A car chase then follows. where the black car is chasing the other car
-Followed up with a montage of quick editing cuts during the chase
-Eventually the car in front gets away

Sunday 17 October 2010

Quantum Of Solace - car chase scene

This car chase scene includes some crucial elements that we will need to use for our car chase scene. They have used fast paced editing. This is to keep the audience on edge. It also immediately indicates the genre of the film which is action. Editing is crucial when trying to build intensity and excitement. We will need to use fast paced editing in order to achieve that tension for the audience.

The camerawork in this scene is also crucial in building tension and excitement. There are many different close-ups of different parts of the car for example wing mirrors, gearstick, number plate. This is to slowly reveal the identity of the car which in this case is an Aston Martin. I feel this is an effective way of building tension and also fits in with the fast paced editing. We need to think about this technique when filming the car in our car chase scene.

The sound is effective in building tension and excitement. They have used diagetic sounds from the cars. For example the sounds of the exhaust reving and the wheel spins. I feel this is something we can implement into our teaser trailer. However I feel we could include some music alongside the diagetic sounds.

They have filmed it on a long windy road leading to a tunnel. We will have to think about about finding a suitable location where we can include some of the relevant skills to make the teaser trailer effective.

Final Decision for Teaser Trailer

We have decided to do a action/car chase genre for our teaser trailer. We fill this is different and would be exiting for the audience. We are going to implement the typical characteristics of a car chase scene. For example fast paced cuts with fast paced music. We feel we can make this enticing and will make the audience excited and wondering about the film itself.

We now need to think about key parts of the teaser trailer for example:


Friday 15 October 2010

Time Management

So far we have thought about about different genres for our teaser trailer. We have managed to narrow it down to two possible genres; action/car chase or horror. We have been looking at different teaser trailers and analysed them to see what they include. This was to give us ideas for what to include in our teaser trailer. We have also done a preliminary task to get us used to using the camera equipment and the editing software.
We are now going to decide on our final genre and start to decide on plot and how we are going to film it.

Preliminary Task

We made a short teaser trailer round our school. We did this to practise using the equipment and editing software. Our teaser trailer was a quick view round our school. The quality of trailer was very poor. We filmed it with limited time so we didn't manage to get enough footage to make a realistic and high quality trailer. We used this task to re-familiarise ourselves with the equipment like the video recorder, tripod and the microphone.

We had most difficulty using the editing software. This is because we needed to speed the footage up. We had never done this before therefore had a lot of problems. As you can see from our teaser trailer the quality is poor. We aren't too sure why this is but we will rectify this in our actual teaser trailer. The actual editing and cutting of shots we did with a fair amount of success.

Overall, I am disappointed with the quality of our preliminary task. However, I feel that doing this task has helped us to re-familiarise ourselves with the equipment. I feel this will benefit us when filming our actual teaser trailer. I also feel it has taught us how to manage our time effectively.

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Rush Hour 2 Teaser trailer

In this teaser trailer very little is given away about the plot. It tells you who the director is and the main actors (Jackie chan, Chris Tucker). They have shown the name of the film but have not icluded the actual release date. They have left a lot for the audiences imagination. They included a montage of fast paced scenes which immidiatley indicates that this is an action film. They have included the main two actors in most of the scenes in this teaser trailer. This is because they are well known actors and this immidatley attracts their fans which will want to watch this film. This is a clever way to target a particular audience. Also having these two actors shows the audience this will be an action film ass Jackie Chan has had a career doing martial arts.

All the aspects of a teaser trailer are included except for the realease date. It entices an audience through the actors whereas someother teaser trailers may use their storyline or stteing as their main USP.

Ideas for possible genre

One possible idea is to do a teaser trailer for a horror movie. We could use some of the typical horror coventions like having the credits in a red colour which represents blood. We could do the filming at night and show the main scenes to show the audience it is a horror film without giving to much away.

Here are some examples of horror films:

-Nightmare On Elm Street

Action/car chase
Another possible idea for the teaser trailer is to do a car chase scene in the trailer for an action film. We could use fast pace editing in a montage to indicate to the audience it is going to be a fast pace action film.

Here are some examples of action films:

-Die another day
-Grand theft auto
-Lethal weapon

Sunday 3 October 2010

What is a teaser trailer?

A teaser trailer is an advertisement usually about 1-2 minutes long for a film that will soon be released in a cinema.

A teaser trailer usually contains:
- name of the film
- release date
- actors
- director
- genre of the film
- other films the director has made

Here is an example of a teaser trailer: