Tuesday 14 December 2010

Improved shot list

Shot 1: This is an establishing shot of the a car entering the car park, the camera also pans around at the same time. We used this shot so that the audience could get an idea of the location, it also gives them an idea of what type of genre it will be.

Shot 2: The camera then fades and goes into another scene. We used an over the shoulder long shot to show our first glimpse of the actors. The long shot was used because we didn't want to go straight into introducing the characters.


Shot 3: Medium shot of all the actors together, this is first time that the audience see all 3 actors. The camera then zooms in to allow the audience to see what the actors are doing.

Shot 4: Over the shoulder close up shot of another actor in the car. This has been used to show the emotions of that character. While this is happening the fight is still going on in the background.

Shot 5: Long shot of the car chase beginning. The camera also pans round when the cars go past.

Shot 6: Long shot the cars coming towards the camera. I think this is a good shot because it feels like the cars are coming straight towards the camera.

Shot 7: Long shot of the coming past. This is a good shot because it show the audience how fast the car going. It builds tension within the trailer.


Shot 8: Medium shot of a car doing a wheel spin.This is the start of a montage so the shots are quite quick to keep the audience on the edge of their seats.

Shot 9: Medium shot of a cars wheels screeching, this makes the audience feel like someone is following him.

Shot 10: Close up of the radio playing, it is a song that is associated with teenagers.

Shot 11: Long shot of a car speeding in a certain location

Shot 12: Close up of a gear change, this is a good shot because it allows the audience to see what is happening within the car. It is also adds a bit of difference from all the shots being outside the car.

Shot 13: Medium shot of the car coming out of a hand brake turn. These shots are meant to be quick so that it keeps the tension high.


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