Friday 15 October 2010

Preliminary Task

We made a short teaser trailer round our school. We did this to practise using the equipment and editing software. Our teaser trailer was a quick view round our school. The quality of trailer was very poor. We filmed it with limited time so we didn't manage to get enough footage to make a realistic and high quality trailer. We used this task to re-familiarise ourselves with the equipment like the video recorder, tripod and the microphone.

We had most difficulty using the editing software. This is because we needed to speed the footage up. We had never done this before therefore had a lot of problems. As you can see from our teaser trailer the quality is poor. We aren't too sure why this is but we will rectify this in our actual teaser trailer. The actual editing and cutting of shots we did with a fair amount of success.

Overall, I am disappointed with the quality of our preliminary task. However, I feel that doing this task has helped us to re-familiarise ourselves with the equipment. I feel this will benefit us when filming our actual teaser trailer. I also feel it has taught us how to manage our time effectively.

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