Tuesday 29 March 2011

Class A - Poster

As you can see we have tried to keep our film poster as simple as possible. From the picture you can identify that the characters are located within a car, this will show to the audience that the film has some relation to the action genre. Also from the clothing they are wearing you can see that it can be related to black cinema/gangster genre. This is because they are wearing dark clothing such as hoodies and big coats. We have chosen the actors to be of a younger age as we feel it will attract the younger audience such as teenagers because this is the target audience of our film.

From the information showed you can see we have included the actors names which we feel are key as it will grab the audiences eye if they see a name they recognise. We have also included the name of the film and also the release date. Both are in quite bold letters to stand out to the audience. You can also see we have kept the same type of font and colour for the name of of the film. This is because we want each task to link together. From the red "A" it connotates that the film could involve blood and also be dangerous. This is the type of message we are trying to give off. There is also the website in the bottom corner which we feel is needed so that the audience can get extra information if needed. We decided to use dark colours as from our research other films within the same genre have similar colour types for example black, grey and navy.

The facial expressions of the actors is also key for creating an intimidating look. The audience are meant to look at this and feel quite afraid and worried. The shot is meant to seem quite intense so that it gives a message off to the audience about what the rest of the film is about.

Some of the things we are thinking of changing are trying to make it less block like and also include the phrase "keep your friends close but your enemies closer" as it appears with our magazine and we want to make a link between the two tasks.

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