Tuesday 29 March 2011

Class A - Poster

As you can see we have tried to keep our film poster as simple as possible. From the picture you can identify that the characters are located within a car, this will show to the audience that the film has some relation to the action genre. Also from the clothing they are wearing you can see that it can be related to black cinema/gangster genre. This is because they are wearing dark clothing such as hoodies and big coats. We have chosen the actors to be of a younger age as we feel it will attract the younger audience such as teenagers because this is the target audience of our film.

From the information showed you can see we have included the actors names which we feel are key as it will grab the audiences eye if they see a name they recognise. We have also included the name of the film and also the release date. Both are in quite bold letters to stand out to the audience. You can also see we have kept the same type of font and colour for the name of of the film. This is because we want each task to link together. From the red "A" it connotates that the film could involve blood and also be dangerous. This is the type of message we are trying to give off. There is also the website in the bottom corner which we feel is needed so that the audience can get extra information if needed. We decided to use dark colours as from our research other films within the same genre have similar colour types for example black, grey and navy.

The facial expressions of the actors is also key for creating an intimidating look. The audience are meant to look at this and feel quite afraid and worried. The shot is meant to seem quite intense so that it gives a message off to the audience about what the rest of the film is about.

Some of the things we are thinking of changing are trying to make it less block like and also include the phrase "keep your friends close but your enemies closer" as it appears with our magazine and we want to make a link between the two tasks.

Monday 28 March 2011

Time management

Today we have finished editing our teaser trailer and have posted it on youtube and on our blogs. We are now producing our poster and magazine front cover.

Class A Teaser Trailer

We are happy with our final piece as we feel it is what we wanted to achieve. Things like the pace starting off slow and gradually increasing i feel have been done well. This is mainly because of the sound track we have used. i feel that the editing has been done well and is continous throughout. My favourite scene would have to be the chase scene as i think it flows very well and this is the first real part of when the trailer starts to speed up.

Some of the things i would have liked to of changed would be adding some differnet location as it would give the trailer a better effect. Some better quality footage for the montage such as better hand brake turns, wheel spins and burnouts.

We are thinking of adding some more intertiles or even just some bit of texts to inform the audience what is happening. This will improve the teaser trailer as these are some of the characteristics in modern teaser trailers.

Monday 21 March 2011

Ancillery task ideas

For our film poster we are think about having a quite dark feel to it. It will include colours such as black, grey and any other dark colours that would fit in. We are thinking of having a car in the background of the shot with maybe 4 actors standing in front of it. This will enable the audience to see who is starring in the film and it will give them a rough idea of what it is about. They will be able to tell by the clothes that the actors are wearing and the car will also show that it includes some action within it.

We have yet to decide what will be on the front of our Empire magazine cover. It will most likely be the same sort of thing with some actors being involved and a car will most definitely be used. With the car and the rough look of the actors it will so the audience that the film is of a hybrid genre.

Front cover magazine research

Here are some more examples of Empire Magazine front covers. As you can see the films advertised are all of different genres however the style and layout remains fairly similar. When making our front cover we need to incorporate a similar style and layout so that it looks realistic as a Empire Magazine front cover.

Editing pictures

Here are some pictures of us editing our teaser trailer. We are use Adobe Premiere Elements to edit our teaser trailer as you can see from the pictures above.

Friday 18 March 2011

Time management

Yesterday we filmed the rest of our teaser trailer which included our montage. It all went to plan because the weather was ideal which helped us when needing to film the hand brake turn and wheel spins.

Today we captured the scenes and put them onto Adobe Premier Elements where we started editing the whole teaser trailer together. We have finished the editing now and just need to choose the right music needed to go with the trailer. We are finding it hard at the moment to find some music that will fit in with our teaser trailer. We feel that there is a good examples of continuity editing. For example during the car chase it looks very realistic, this is because it has been edited together well and flows continuously. The intertiles have also been put in and this adds to the teaser trailer making it more realistic.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Magazine front cover research

Here is an example of a front cover of one of the issues of Empire. The film advertised on the front is Quantum of Solace. When making our front cover of a magazine we need to consider things like:
- framing of images
- font types
- font colours
- background colours
- positioning of images and text
- language
Like our film Quantum of Solace is of the action genre. However its is portrayed in a different way to what ours will be. The front cover of empire in this issue uses light colours like grey, white, pale blue etc. In our front cover we want to advertise our film in a more darker way by using colours like black and dark grey. This is because our film is a hybrid genre of action and teenage gangster, therefore the use of colour is extremely important. We will be looking to use similar fonts as the ones used in this front cover as they are clear and stand out. It is very important to make the text stand out to grab the readers attention to pick up the magazine and buy it. It also grabs their attention to focus on the film being advertised.
A large image of Daniel Craig is placed in the centre of tne magazine cover. They are using the image of actor Daniel Craig to help advertise the film as he is a popular and famous figure. This is something we could focus on by using images of actors as the main focus.

Monday 7 March 2011

Poster Ideas

This is a poster for Fast Five. Fast Five is of a similar genre to our film. The poster draws the audience attention through the clear images of the actors. The images of the actors stand out in the black background. It also creates a sense of mystery. The genre of this film is clearly established as the blue car is the centre piece of the poster. It immidiatley indicates to the audience that this is going to be an action film without releasing much information. The only information that is shown is the name of the film, actors names and the realease date.
In our poster we be looking to do a similar thing. We want to establish the genre of the film without releasing too much information. We need to use colour and images effectively to represent are genre clearly.