Friday 28 January 2011

Name of film

Today we came up with a name for our film. We are going to call it Class A. We feel that this title is appropriate for our film as the story line is a drug deal that has gone wrong and therefore Class A mixes in well with this genre. Class A is also linked with the drug dealers with them being the best around. The reason why the "A" is in red is because it will make it stand out amongst others and therefore get the audiences attention. The colour red is also symbolised as being dangerous which what our teaser trailer is about. The "A" is most likely to be bold so that emphasis is on it. The font will be nothing fancy because we want it to be hard hitting towards the audience.

Friday 21 January 2011

Production Company

We have chosen to choose Universal as our production company. Universal are a large American Institution who have made big blockbusters such as Fast 5, 2 fast 2 furious, Bad Boys and many others. These films mentioned are big action blockbusters. This genre is what our film is going to be like.


Tuesday 18 January 2011

Saturday 15 January 2011

Evaluation of Questionnaire

From our questionnaire we have found out that Males tend to enjoy the action films because of the fast paced editing and the tension that goes with it. The younger generation are also more interested in action films and also sci fi's. This is because they can relate to the films due to the modern day technology such as xbox and other things like that. The younger audience tend to go to the cinema to watch films, this is because they want to get the full atmosphere of the film. The older audience prefer to watch films at home because they like the comfort of their own surroundings. From the findings we have also found out that younger people prefer to watch teaser trailers before going to see the film because with them having little amount of income they don't want to waste it. This means that we need to make our trailer as appealing as possible so that it gets the attention from the target audience.

Friday 14 January 2011

Responses to questionnaire

We gave this questionnaire to five randomly selected people in different age categories. These are the answers they gave....

Person 1

1. Male
2. 0-12
3. Action
4. I like this because I enjoy watching shooting with lots action
5. DVD
6. No
7. N/A

Person 2

1. Female
2. 60+
3. Romantic
4. I enjoy watching romantic because it is light hearted and reminds me of when I was younger
5. SKYmovies
6. No
7. N/A

Person 3

1. Female
3. 26-40
3. Comedy/Romance
4. I enjoy a love story with some elements of comedy to make me laugh
5. SKYmovies
6. No
7. N/A

Person 4

1. Male
2. 13-25
3. Action
4. I enjoy this type of film because it is fast paced and relates to computer games like call of duty which I enjoy
5. Cinema
6. Yes
7. Yes

Person 5

1. Male
2. 40-60
3. Sci-fi
4. They are usually unrealistic this helps to take the stress away from every day life
5. DVD
6. No
7. N/A

From these results it is evident that teenagers are most likely to watch teaaser trailers. This is useful are target audience are teenagers and young adults.


1. Male or female?

2. Age?
0-12 13-25 26-40 41-60 60+

3. Favourite film genre?
Horror Action Comedy Romance Adventure Sci-fi Thriller

4. With reference to question 3 why did you choose that Genre?

5. How do you consume films?
Cinema Internet DVD SKYmovies Other

6. Do you watch trailers?
Yes or No?

7. If yes,does a teaser trailer affect your decision to watch a film?
Yes or No?


The plan for our teaser trailer is to have quick scenes between inter titles which tell the audience important information about the film, for example title of the film, main actors, release date etc. We are thinking to have quick edited scenes followed by a black background with inter titles coming up. We have researched other teaser trailers and some of the best have followed this idea. We think that this will benefit our trailer and overall make it more appealing to the target audience.

The intertitles will flash up inbetween seens on a black background. They will be bold so that the audience pays close attention to it and can process the information

Update on filming

Last week we decided to film part of the teaser trailer. We have filmed the first couple of scenes but we may have to re do some of them to make them more realistic and authentic. We also decided to change the location of the trailer, our first ideas were to film at young street car park which is a gravel car park. We decided to change it because the car park was waterlogged and it was difficult to film on. We moved the location to a train station car park as it is a lot easier to film and in actual fact is it probably better overall. Also we have more actors than we first planned and also more cars. We have gone from three actors to six actors and two cars to three cars. I feel making these changes are going to benefit our teaser trailer and make it better.

Costume ideas

This is an idea of what the actors will be wearing in our teaser trailer. They will be wearing teenage gangster clothing like joggers, hoodies and trainers etc .... We got these costume ideas from films like Kidulthood were teenage gangsters are used. We feel that are target audience which will be mostly teenagers will be able to relate to these costumes as it is fairly common and fashionable in modern times.
The mise-en-scene in this case the costumes is crucial as it portrays certain stereotypes to the audience which immediately portray the character and personality of the actors. For example one of the main actors Jack will be wearing trackies and a hoodie. This immediately gets the audience thinking about teenage crime and issues related to that as it is a common stereotype in modern day society.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Audience Profiling - Fast and Furious

Fast and Furious
release date: 10th April 2009
price: C+
estimated box office: £6,000,000
genre(s): Action
director(s): Chris Morgan
film cast: Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Michelle Rodriguez, Jordana Brewster
certificate: 12A
distributor: Universal Pictures

Here you can see a table that shows the type of audience that went Fast and Furious. Like our film Fast and Furious includes car chases and is of the action genre. 74% of the audience for this film is in the age category between 15-24 years of age. This shows we need to target our film at people in this age category. The gender analysis shows that 74% of the audience for this film was males.
These stats suggest that are teaser trailer should be aimed at young males. We plan to do this by including lots of action, by using fast editing techniques.