Wednesday 15 December 2010

Kidulthood trailer analysis

Kidulthood has had a major impact on our change in genre decision. It is a film the deals with the issues that revolve around teenage crime. The trailer uses dark lighting mostly to indicate to the audience what the genre of the film. The major thing we have learnt from watching Kidulthood is the costume and the type of actors they have used. For example I feel the actor Adam Deacon is crucial in helping to sell the film.

We will be looking to include things based on from watching the trailer:

- The use of costume
- Dark lighting
- Fast paced editing
- Type of music
- Camera angles and composition
- Settings and location ideas

This is a trailer and we are producing a teaser trailer so we are going to try and use even faster editing and include more intertitles. We have also decided not to use dialogue unlike this trailer as we want the audience to focus on our diagetic and non-diagetic sound.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Improved shot list

Shot 1: This is an establishing shot of the a car entering the car park, the camera also pans around at the same time. We used this shot so that the audience could get an idea of the location, it also gives them an idea of what type of genre it will be.

Shot 2: The camera then fades and goes into another scene. We used an over the shoulder long shot to show our first glimpse of the actors. The long shot was used because we didn't want to go straight into introducing the characters.


Shot 3: Medium shot of all the actors together, this is first time that the audience see all 3 actors. The camera then zooms in to allow the audience to see what the actors are doing.

Shot 4: Over the shoulder close up shot of another actor in the car. This has been used to show the emotions of that character. While this is happening the fight is still going on in the background.

Shot 5: Long shot of the car chase beginning. The camera also pans round when the cars go past.

Shot 6: Long shot the cars coming towards the camera. I think this is a good shot because it feels like the cars are coming straight towards the camera.

Shot 7: Long shot of the coming past. This is a good shot because it show the audience how fast the car going. It builds tension within the trailer.


Shot 8: Medium shot of a car doing a wheel spin.This is the start of a montage so the shots are quite quick to keep the audience on the edge of their seats.

Shot 9: Medium shot of a cars wheels screeching, this makes the audience feel like someone is following him.

Shot 10: Close up of the radio playing, it is a song that is associated with teenagers.

Shot 11: Long shot of a car speeding in a certain location

Shot 12: Close up of a gear change, this is a good shot because it allows the audience to see what is happening within the car. It is also adds a bit of difference from all the shots being outside the car.

Shot 13: Medium shot of the car coming out of a hand brake turn. These shots are meant to be quick so that it keeps the tension high.


Audience Profiling

As you can see from the table below the highest precentage of people that go to the cinema in the UK are people in the age 15-24 age category. We therefore have decided to aim our teaser trailer at people in this age category so we have a larger target audience.

We will need to make sure our teaser trailer includes the appropriate style and narrative to attract this particular audience. We will need to make sure our storyline is contemporary and relevant in modern society which I feel are's is. We have chosen teenage actors so that it appeals to a fairly youthful audience. We are going to try and find suitable music to use that is contemporary, again to attract our target audience.


This is dago. He is playing one of the drug dealers in our teaser trailer. You dont see him much in the footage however he still needs to wear suitable clothing so he looks like a realistic drug dealer.


This is Louis. He is playing one of the drivers in our teaser trailer. He is in the film therefore needs to wear suitable clothing so that the mise-en-scene looks realistic and professional. We feel he is suitable to play the role of the driver that is being chased because he looks like he can be easily intimidated therefore creating realism for the audience.

Shot List

Long shot of when when the car pulls into the car park

Over the shoulder shot of buyer getting out of his car

Over the shoulder shot of the dealers walking towards the buyer

Meduim shot of the buyer handing the money over and the dealer giving him the drugs

Medium shot of one of the dealers throwing a punch towards the buyer

Over the shoulder shot of the buyer in the car racing away

Establishing shot of the dealer chasing the the buyer

Panning shot of the cars racing out of the car park

Long of the cars racing down the ramp

Side on still shot of the cars going past

Montage of hand brakes, wheel spins and characters emotions, these will be filmed using close ups to emphasise the scene.

What we have based our actors on - Adam Deacon

This is Adam Deacon who has featured in various teenage crime films such as Kidulthood, Adulthood and Anuvahood. All these films we researched to find out the characteristics of that genre. We have tried to emulate his clothing within our own trailer. We have done this by making our actors wear typical clothing such as joggers, hoodies and nike trainers for example. All these pieces of clothing will be quite dark because people within that situation want to stay undercover and not draw attention to themselves. He is the perfect actor to base our own actors upon, this is because he is well known within the industry.

Reasons for not having a Script

We have decided not do do a script for our teaser trailer as there will be no dialogue or voiceovers. Most teaser trailers do have some dialogue however we felt that it was not necessary in ours. We have put our focus into other aspects of sound like diagetic sound and non-diagetic sound.
We want to use a variety of natural diagetic sound like the sound of tyres screeching for example. We feel this will indicate genre and narrative to the audience just as effectively as dialogue would. We also feel that non-diagetic sound (background music) is also an effective way of revealing narrative and genre. We want our teaser trailer to be unique in this way therefore we felt there is no need to produce a script.


This is one of the other cars we will be using in our teaser trailer. This car suits the genre of our teaser trailer as it is sporty and looks quite dodgy. Audience Profiling

From these results you can see that their target audience are mostly young adults aged between 15-34 . 56% of the audience are males. This shows that this film mainly appeals to males. This film is of a similar genre to ours and we will be trying to aim at this particular type of audience between the age of 15 and 34. We are also aiming at males mostly.


This is Dan. He is playing the victim who gets beaten up. We have chosen him for this role because he looks weak and vulnerable. We feel that the audience can realate to him and we feel he has the right crudentials to get an emotional reaction from the audience


This is Jack. He will be playing one of the teenage gangsters who. We feel he suits this role as he is turkish and has a north london accent. We feel using him in this role will create authenticity and realism for the target audience.

Monday 13 December 2010


Here are some pictures of another car we are using in our teaser trailer. We chose this car because it is a failry standard teenagers car. It looks quite sporty and fits in with the teenage gangster genre.

Friday 10 December 2010

Plot Idea

Buyers pull into car park where dealer waits
Buyers give a signal by flashing his lights
The dealer gets out of his car and one the buyer follows
Walk towards each other
Buyer hands over the money
Dealer hands over the drugs
Buyer turns and walks back towards where his friend waits
Dealer pulls out a gun and shoots him
Friend in car turns on the engine and pulls away before the same happens to him
Dealers chase him down
Buyer gets away
Montage of hand brakes, wheel spins and other things