Thursday 7 April 2011

Evaluation Activity 1 - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Title font and styles

We decided to use quite basic font and colours throught the different tasks. We did this so there was a clear link between the teaser trailer and the ancillery tasks. We used the colours red, black and white mostly throughout all o the tasks as these link to our genre and have negative connotations, which links to the narrative of our film.


We decided to start the trailer slow and speed it up as it went on. We wanted to do this as this is a typical convention of a teaser trailer and it also helps to build tension and excitement. The first scene is the buyers entering the car park to get the drugs. The camera then shows the dealers. Through the use of camerwork it is clear who are the buyers and who are the dealers in this scene without the need for any dialogue. The pace of the teaser trailer then picks up after the dealer punches the buyer. This is then follwed by the car chase scene, where we use fast paced editing to excite the audience. This is then followed by the tirle of the film, then a montage of one of the actors in his car. During all the scenes the backing trck is playing which again helps to build tension and excitement for the audience which will hopefully entice them to watch the film.

The genre is made very clear from the outset. It is clear it will be an action film due to the fighting scene followed by a car chase scene. Our teaser trailer could be classified as a hybrig genre as there are features of the action genre (fighting scene, car chase) and it could also be clssified as the gangster genre. This however is made clear due to the mise-en-scene especially (costumes, lighting, location). We felt it was crucial to establish the genre clearly as we want the audience to be aware of what the film is about before they go and see it.


These three shots represent continuity editing. We wanted to film the car chase from different angles and then edit it together to craete realism at a high pace. This is often done in a action teaser trailer where car chases are used. this fast paced editing helps to create tension and excitement for the audience. All of the shots were filmed from a fairly long distance, so that the audience can get a full viw of what is going on. We also chose to use fast paced editing as this is a common feature of most teaser trailers where montages are commonly used to create excitemnet towards the film.


We spent a lot of time thinking about costume for our actors as we thought this part of the mise-en-scene was crucial in oder to create a sense of realism and familiarity for the audience to relate to. We decided on using typical teenage gangster clothing which in modern society is hoodies and trackies. Our target audience is teenagers and young adults so the will be aware of the stereotypes associated with teenage crime, therefore this is a good way to introduce the personality of characters as we did in the opening scene. This technique is commonly used in teaser trailers when characters are intoduced. you can often tell the personality of a character by what they are wearing and how they are positioned in a frame. This therefore reduces the need for a lot of detail or explanation.

Special effects

We used special effects when editing this gear change. We speeded up the gear change so that it fitted better with the fast paced action. We were limited in the special effects we could produce as we didnt have the specialist equipment and software to utilise. This was a slight problem as most teaser trailers of the action genre include loads of explosions and special effects during a car chas scene.


We decided to film our teaser trailer at night in a large, abandoned car park. We chose this location because it is a realistic setting to where a drug deal would take place. Another reason for this choice is the car pick is lit with streetlights which made it easier to film at night.This lighting also added more reality to the look of the location and we thought it was particularly effective in creating natural lighting. We introduced the setting in the first scene of our teaser trailer. This is a typical convention of most teaser trailers, as they usually introduce the setting in the first scene to make the audience feel comfortbale and at ease with what they are watching.


The title of our film appears in the middle of our teaser trailer. This is not conventional of a typical teaser trailer where the title of a film usually comes up at the end or at the start. We have have tried to be different by showing the title half way through. We felt this went well with the flow of the teaser and helped to break up two different scenes. The title of our film we thought carefully about. We chose the name Class A as it has connotations of drugs and the first scene in our teaser trailer is a drug deal therefore we thought this was effective and gives the audience an idea about what the film is about.

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