Friday 22 October 2010

Initial ideas for the plot

-A black car is parked up in a side road
-The man driving the black car see's a car approaching through his mirror
-He waits for the other car to drive past then starts to follow him
-The car in front realises he's being followed then starts to accelerate
-A car chase then follows. where the black car is chasing the other car
-Followed up with a montage of quick editing cuts during the chase
-Eventually the car in front gets away

Sunday 17 October 2010

Quantum Of Solace - car chase scene

This car chase scene includes some crucial elements that we will need to use for our car chase scene. They have used fast paced editing. This is to keep the audience on edge. It also immediately indicates the genre of the film which is action. Editing is crucial when trying to build intensity and excitement. We will need to use fast paced editing in order to achieve that tension for the audience.

The camerawork in this scene is also crucial in building tension and excitement. There are many different close-ups of different parts of the car for example wing mirrors, gearstick, number plate. This is to slowly reveal the identity of the car which in this case is an Aston Martin. I feel this is an effective way of building tension and also fits in with the fast paced editing. We need to think about this technique when filming the car in our car chase scene.

The sound is effective in building tension and excitement. They have used diagetic sounds from the cars. For example the sounds of the exhaust reving and the wheel spins. I feel this is something we can implement into our teaser trailer. However I feel we could include some music alongside the diagetic sounds.

They have filmed it on a long windy road leading to a tunnel. We will have to think about about finding a suitable location where we can include some of the relevant skills to make the teaser trailer effective.

Final Decision for Teaser Trailer

We have decided to do a action/car chase genre for our teaser trailer. We fill this is different and would be exiting for the audience. We are going to implement the typical characteristics of a car chase scene. For example fast paced cuts with fast paced music. We feel we can make this enticing and will make the audience excited and wondering about the film itself.

We now need to think about key parts of the teaser trailer for example:


Friday 15 October 2010

Time Management

So far we have thought about about different genres for our teaser trailer. We have managed to narrow it down to two possible genres; action/car chase or horror. We have been looking at different teaser trailers and analysed them to see what they include. This was to give us ideas for what to include in our teaser trailer. We have also done a preliminary task to get us used to using the camera equipment and the editing software.
We are now going to decide on our final genre and start to decide on plot and how we are going to film it.

Preliminary Task

We made a short teaser trailer round our school. We did this to practise using the equipment and editing software. Our teaser trailer was a quick view round our school. The quality of trailer was very poor. We filmed it with limited time so we didn't manage to get enough footage to make a realistic and high quality trailer. We used this task to re-familiarise ourselves with the equipment like the video recorder, tripod and the microphone.

We had most difficulty using the editing software. This is because we needed to speed the footage up. We had never done this before therefore had a lot of problems. As you can see from our teaser trailer the quality is poor. We aren't too sure why this is but we will rectify this in our actual teaser trailer. The actual editing and cutting of shots we did with a fair amount of success.

Overall, I am disappointed with the quality of our preliminary task. However, I feel that doing this task has helped us to re-familiarise ourselves with the equipment. I feel this will benefit us when filming our actual teaser trailer. I also feel it has taught us how to manage our time effectively.

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Rush Hour 2 Teaser trailer

In this teaser trailer very little is given away about the plot. It tells you who the director is and the main actors (Jackie chan, Chris Tucker). They have shown the name of the film but have not icluded the actual release date. They have left a lot for the audiences imagination. They included a montage of fast paced scenes which immidiatley indicates that this is an action film. They have included the main two actors in most of the scenes in this teaser trailer. This is because they are well known actors and this immidatley attracts their fans which will want to watch this film. This is a clever way to target a particular audience. Also having these two actors shows the audience this will be an action film ass Jackie Chan has had a career doing martial arts.

All the aspects of a teaser trailer are included except for the realease date. It entices an audience through the actors whereas someother teaser trailers may use their storyline or stteing as their main USP.

Ideas for possible genre

One possible idea is to do a teaser trailer for a horror movie. We could use some of the typical horror coventions like having the credits in a red colour which represents blood. We could do the filming at night and show the main scenes to show the audience it is a horror film without giving to much away.

Here are some examples of horror films:

-Nightmare On Elm Street

Action/car chase
Another possible idea for the teaser trailer is to do a car chase scene in the trailer for an action film. We could use fast pace editing in a montage to indicate to the audience it is going to be a fast pace action film.

Here are some examples of action films:

-Die another day
-Grand theft auto
-Lethal weapon

Sunday 3 October 2010

What is a teaser trailer?

A teaser trailer is an advertisement usually about 1-2 minutes long for a film that will soon be released in a cinema.

A teaser trailer usually contains:
- name of the film
- release date
- actors
- director
- genre of the film
- other films the director has made

Here is an example of a teaser trailer: