Wednesday 16 February 2011

Time management

We are thinking of doing our montage filming during February half term, this is because this when all the actors are available and it is easier because everyone will have more time. This is the last bit of filming that we need to do for our teaser trailer. We have recently edited together the scenes of the trailer without putting in the intertitles. We have done this because we wanted to see whether the footage we created was up to the right quality. We feel this has benefited us because it has given us a good insight to what our teaser trailer will look like. Once the montage has been filmed we will edit it all together including the intertitles to see what the final copy will look like.

Sunday 13 February 2011

Music ideas

Here are some instrumentals that we feel will fit in with our teaser trailer. We feel they link well with genre with it being teenage crime as this is stereotypically what teenage gangsters listen to. The pace of each instrumental is also key as this is what will make the footage all link together. Most of them seem to start off slow with them picking up pace later on. This is what we are looking for in our teaser trailer. This is because we are wanting to set the scene early on with the pace being slow, it will then go to a montage which is where it picks up in pace.

Ideas for Music

This song is the theme tune from the film from Adulthood. Adulthood, like our teaser trailer is of a similar genre. It deals with teenage crime and deals with the issues relating to it. This type of music is similar to what we would like in ours. However, it will be difficult to find music like this as we have to use non-copyright music. However we will try to find music of this type to fit in our teaser trailer to make it more effective and of a higher quality.


This is our animatic of our teaser trailer. We have created this to show the scenes in our teaser trailer and roughly how long they will be. It is more interactive than a storyboard and shows the scenes more clearly. The pictures are noy of a high quality however you still can understand them and gain an idea about the sequences of the scenes.

Friday 11 February 2011

Time Management

Today we filmed the scenes again in our teaser trailer. We managed to film all the scenes accept for our montage of quick scenes at the end. We decided to redo these scenes, because after we filmed it we realised that there were a few mistakes made. The footage was fairly shaky in certain scenes so we decided to do all the scenes again to improve the quality of our teaser trailer.

We chose to do our filming today because the conditions were perfect for filming. It was a clear night with no rain whatsoever. The car park we were using was fairly empty, therefore we were able to film without any interruptions.